Friday, February 28, 2014

Pink batts and internal doors.

This should keep us warm and cosy! Good to start to see the rooms taking shape!

Standing in the spare room - also known as Ann and Bob's room! (above)
Looking into Mum and Dad's 'his and hers' wardrobes from their bedroom. (below)

                       The first internal doors get hung.        Using stilts to fit the pink batts in the ceiling!

Cladding and scaffolding coming down!

Great to be able to see better how the house will look now the cladding is going on and scaffolding disappearing.

Front of the house standing where the driveway will be.

Mum and Dad's rear verandah.

View of the house from the back garden - standing by the boundary of the section.

The out door undercover seating area the Owens end. 

Rear verandah - Owens end - with the bedroom sliding doors.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cat flap and other things.

Jinx investigates the cat flap in the laundry door!

Mum and Dad have their perspex roof over their verandah!

Our living/ dining area seems awfully big!


Cables and pipes everywhere for the electrics, AV system and water supply!
Far too complicated for me to get my head around. Fortunately Wayne seems to understand!

The sub contractors arrive!!

A lot of vans and utes on site today as the audio visual guys, electricians, plumbers and cladding guys arrive to start work. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Windows and doors !!

The roof is almost finished and the windows and doors are going in!

The Wells front door

and……...The Owens front door!

Entrance to the link area between the two houses.

View along the verandah.

Wayne is very proud of his garage!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

The roof goes on and it's a wrap!

First half of the roof is on Mum and Dad's end of the house and they are wrapped! The garage roof and wrapping also finished! Windows next week. Looks awfully big!!